March News (So-Far) Round-Up

March 22, 2021 Elliott 0

There’s been a plethora of news in the Halloween world that I’ve (sadly) been neglecting to post, so here’s the round-up for what’s been announced so far! On March 12, Digital [MORE]

Happy (Belated) Birthday to Dan Roebuck

March 5, 2021 Elliott 0

Apologies on missing this by one day, but Halloween II (2009)‘s Dan Roebuck’s birthday was yesterday! Make sure to visit his social media pages to wish him a happy (belated) birthday!

Bare Magazine Speaks With Andi Matichak

March 1, 2021 Elliott 0

Bare Magazine spoke with Halloween‘s Andi Matichak recently. Check out the article and photoshoot below. The stunning and talented Andi Matichak stars alongside Emile Hirsch in Ivan Kavanagh’s supernatural horror film, [MORE]